Exploring Tourism in Angola
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Tundavala Gap

Lubango, Angola

Tundavala Gap (in Portuguese, Fenda da Tundavala) is a viewpoint in the rim of the great escarpment called Serra da Leba. It is located some 18 km from the city of Lubango, in Huíla province, Angola.

The escarpment marks the western limit of Bié Plateau. The altitude at the rim exceeds 2200 m, while the plain below is approximately 1200 m lower, which creates a rather impressive view, encompassing a distance of tens of kilometers.

This impressive gap near Lubango is located on the edge of the Serra da Leba, 18 kilometers west of the city of Lubango. The Central Plateau of Angola is a huge abyss of about 1200 m, 18 km from Lubango, it descends abruptly for more than 2 thousand meters of altitude, causing a stunning unevenness with colossal cracks in the mountain, surrounded by imposing cliffs, taking the form curiously similar to a wave and extending to the beaches of Namibe. From here you can enjoy a magnificent landscape that stretches for tens of kilometers.

As a geological object, it materializes a unique record of remote episodes in Earth's history, represents the westernmost succession of Cratão do Congo, and comprises five formations: Tundavala, Humpata, Bruco, Cangalongue and Leba. The spectacular Fund da Tundavala gives the visitor a breathtaking view of the Huíla Plateau with Namibe in the Horizon. From this huge rocky wall, the great plateau gives way to a huge undulating plain, which extends to the Atlantic coast.

In addition to these interpretations, Tundavala is associated with other representations, attributed by local communities, such as tales, songs, proverbs, beliefs and memories, which refer to symbolic and scenic elements, which reflect conflicts or which focus on water as a source of resources and life.

In addition to a place of enormous beauty, it also hosts a number of rare and endangered birds. it is the perfect place for lovers of the study of birds.

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